My Time at Breslow Partners: An Intern’s Exit Interview

After five months with Breslow Partners, Senior Intern Hannah Dickey says her goodbyes. Before departing, Hannah offers a reflection on her experience at Breslow Partners.

“Boy, time sure does fly by quickly. Just a short time ago I was stepping through the doors of Breslow in polyester professional pants and my roommate’s borrowed shirt to interview at a place I had heard about through a shared Facebook post. It’s been a transformative process, mostly because of the open-mindedness waiting for me on the other side of those doors. At the beginning, I was a journalism major with no field experience. I entered an industry I knew nothing about, but with nothing to lose, I had the willingness to learn as much as I could. The dynamic environment of Breslow harbored a place for growth where I could acquire genuine experience, and I got out of it what I put into it.

Far from an expert, I am barely touching the surface of the world of public relations, but I have learned a few key things. For one, this business is all about collaboration and relationships. It’s important to maintain the correct ones with productive communication, and bid adieu to unsustainable ones. I have also learned if you truly desire for something to occur, you have to push yourself and your peers for it to be accomplished.

My time as a Account Assistant at Breslow has come to an end. I am leaving behind a diverse group of skilled professionals, who are aware of the world around them and not afraid to question it. I have been fortunate to work with competent, energetic and passionate people, and that itself has been the catalyst of my own success.”

“All the wonders you seek are within yourself.”

Wanna be an intern? We’re always looking for passionate, creative people. If you are interested in participating in the internship program at Breslow Partners, please submit a cover letter and resumé to Jennifer Mansfield: careers  AT  b r e s l o w p a r t n e r s . c o m

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