Common Twitter Mistakes to Avoid

Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has become an integral component of communication. If used properly, it can strengthen an organization’s relationship with its followers and attract new customers; if not, the company’s public outreach efforts can backfire. There are many tips we can share about how to utilize twitter to maximize results. However, listed below are some common mistakes to avoid:

1) Tweeting only about yourself and your company. In a world where individuals are inescapably blasted by TV ads, solicitors, flyers and more, your followers will not voluntarily subscribe to be continuously sold. Instead, use twitter to show your personality and values.

2) Failing to engage customers. Imagine if you knew an individual who only continuously talked without listening or responding to others; this person would have very few friends. Considering that twitter is a form of social media, it is beneficial to pay attention and respond to your followers in order to create a genuine dialogue.

3) Excessively tweeting. By tweeting every half hour or so, you run the risk of becoming a nuisance and irritating your followers. Plus, if we’re honest with ourselves, it is highly unlikely that all of these tweets are gems.

4) Using inappropriate language or misspelling words. This mistake can diminish your credibility, turn-off readers and, overall, appear that you are sloppy.

5) Featuring sarcasm or being negative in your tweets. People are more attracted to positive messages, and optimism is generally more enjoyable to read. By being snide or whining, you can insult individuals or simply off put followers.

For more tips, give us a call at 215-731-2000 or follow us @Breslowpartners.

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