FiberPhiladelphia Pulls Us Away From Food… For A Second

FiberPhiladelphia 2012

Mostly, we here at Breslow Partners like to talk about all things food. Occasionally something truly cool enough to divert our attention off the eats for a second comes across our plates. This event is one one them.

FiberPhiladelphia. This international biennial and regional festival for textile art opened this past weekend and has exhibits at over 40 locations across the Philadelphia area until April.The events will feature both internationally-knows and local, new artists emerging into the scene.

When The Inquirer asked the event’s co-coordinator and fiber artist, Amy Orr, “Why is all this happening in Philadelphia? Orr [was] ready with the answer, noting that it is a “city with Amish quilts and immigrants with rich traditions in the fiber arts.””

An excerpt from their Web Site explains a bit about fiber art saying, “In the past 20 years, the boundaries between High/Low art and medium specific recognition have been blurred. Unlike the other major craft media, textile artists have the freedom of transcending materials, unbound from tradition. Although many choose to continue to work with historic materials and methods, many have branched out to explore the infinite possibilities of materials and techniques. One can weave metal, clay, even light. Quilts are not necessarily bound by thread or cloth and vessels can be more than objects to contain physical matter; they can reject functionality and explore conceptual notions of spiritual and metaphysical containment.”

FiberPhiladelphia is partnering with InLiquid, a nonprofit organization that provides opportunities and exposure for visual artists and designers.

Check them out at their Web site here for a calendar of events, exhibitions and more information.

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